15Aug, 2019 Green Lunch Bunch® – available... The foodservice grape that started it all is now available in green! This 21lb box has an average of 150 portioned grape clusters, 2-4oz each. Lunch Bunch® helps...
12Jun, 2019 Grape news! 2.25oz Grape Escape... Grape news! The California Department of Education has accepted our HMC Farms 2.25oz bag of Grape Escape washed and ready to eat fresh grapes as a 1/2 cup serving of...
2May, 2019 School Lunch Hero: Adriana from... This week, HMC Farms and Grapes for Schools are recognizing school lunch heroes in honor of School Lunch Hero Day on May 3. Our third school lunch hero is Adriana...
1May, 2019 School Lunch Hero: Yenny from... This week, HMC Farms and Grapes for Schools are recognizing school lunch heroes in honor of School Lunch Hero Day on May 3. Our second school lunch hero is Yenny...
30Apr, 2019 School Lunch Hero: Rosie from... This week, HMC Farms and Grapes for Schools are recognizing school lunch heroes in honor of School Lunch Hero Day on May 3. Our first school lunch hero is Rosie...